


  • Watercolor paints
  • Watercolor paper
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Paintbrush
  • A few drops of watercolor dye (optional)


  1. Prepare the Watercolor Paint:

    • Mix a few drops of watercolor dye with a small amount of water to create a light wash of color.
    • Add more water to dilute the dye to create darker washes.
  2. Create the Watercolor Paper:

    • Cut watercolor paper into thin strips, each about 1 inch wide and 12 inches long.
    • Fold the edges of the paper together to create a tube.
  3. Attach the Watercolor Paper to the Pencil:

    • Use a pencil to draw a line on the back of the watercolor paper, about 1 inch from the edge.
    • Insert the paper tube into the pencil, making sure the edge of the paper is flush with the pencil.
  4. Add the Watercolor Wash:

    • Dip the end of the pencil into the light wash of watercolor paint.
    • Gently wipe the paint onto the edge of the watercolor paper, starting from the outside and working your way in.
    • Allow the paint to dry completely.
  5. Repeat the Process:

    • Repeat step 4 to create multiple layers of color.
    • You can also experiment with different colors and patterns.
  6. Let the Paint Dry:

    • Allow each layer of paint to dry completely before adding the next one.
    • The drying time will vary depending on the thickness of the paint and the size of the paper.
  7. Optional: Add Details:

    • After the paint has dried, you can add details and highlights using a paintbrush.
    • Be careful not to smudge the paint.
  8. Enjoy Your Hand-Made Watercolor Paintbrush:

    • Your handmade paintbrush is now ready to use!


  • Use a variety of colors and patterns to create unique and beautiful designs.
  • Experiment with different techniques, such as layering, stippling, and hatching.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after handling the paint.