Step 1: Draw the outline of the mouth.
- Start by lightly sketching a circle for the mouth.
- Add a small triangle below the circle for the nose.
- Draw the lips curled up, with the upper lip slightly higher than the lower lip.
Step 2: Add details to the mouth.
- Draw the nostrils as small circles inside the mouth.
- Add the corners of the mouth, which can be slightly angled.
- Draw the lips further down, with the upper lip thicker and the lower lip thinner.
- Add any other details, such as wrinkles or lines around the mouth.
Step 3: Shade the mouth.
- Use a darker pencil or pen to shade the inside of the mouth, including the nose and lips.
- Leave the outside of the mouth lighter, to create a more realistic look.
Step 4: Add highlights.
- Use a lighter pencil or pen to highlight the areas that are most prominent, such as the nose, lips, and eyes.
- Use a light pencil so you can easily erase any mistakes.
- Pay attention to the proportions of the mouth. The lips should be wider than the nose.
- Experiment with different shading techniques to create different effects.
- Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The best way to improve is to practice regularly.